New Account Created

Thank you for creating a new user account, please take a note of the user ID below and use it when you next log in:

User ID: 1129819503

It is vital that you remember the above user ID as any learning progress or test results you generate while in this web application are saved under this code. Therefore write it down and put it somewhere safe. We have no way of knowing who you are and can not therefore recover your progress or test results if you lose it. If you do lose it you will just have to start again and create another user account.

About using the application

This web application can be used on most PCs, Tablet and Smartphone devices.

WARNING: Try to avoid using the browser’s navigation buttons in this application as they will not work in the way you expect instead use the navigation buttons within the web application itself. If you accidentally select the back button during a test, don't worry the system will let you resume the test when you next select the 'Take a test' button.

Please choose which Highway Code test you wish to undertake:


To understand how we will use your personal data please see the Privacy Policy